Bestig Mount Agri i Turkiet

Förbundet har idag fått en inbjudan för våra medlemmar att vara med på 15th International Victory Climbing av Mount Ağrı (Ararat) 28-31 augusti.
Inbjudan kom idag så det är snabba ryck från det Turkiska klätterförbundet. Om du är intresserad så fyll i formuläret i inbjudan och skicka det med en kopia av ditt pass till senast 17 augusti.
Inbjudan från Turkish Mountaineering Federation med ansökningsblankett: Invitation 15th Victory Climbing to Mount Agri 28-31 augusti
Du står själv för dina kostnader för resan.
Kort info från inbjudan om Mount Agri och vilken förkunskap som krävs:
”The Mount Ağrı with its (5165) meters altitude needs at least basic experience concerning snow and glacier climbing techniques but also, necessary camp and climbing equipment such as sleeping bag, tent, ice axe, crampons (if you want to choose glacier route) etc.”
Day 1 Dogubayazit to Mount Ağrı first Camp:
Starting of this trip will be from Van airport. You will meet our staff in the airport to transfer the group our starting point for the expedition Mount Ağrı plain.
Have our lunch in Dogubayazit and after the gear check we will be transferred to the 2100 m Elli village in Mount Ararat to start our expedition.
Mules will carry our expedition equipment up to the nomadic camping area in 2850 m or 3200m. Here we will be staying with local villagers and enjoy all day with discovering the people and mountain.
Day 2 4200 Camp at Mount Ağrı:
The second day, we will move our tents and equipment from 3200 m. or Sandy camp to 4200 m. camp area. Well after the setting our new camp we will ascent to approximately 4700 m. to acclimate for the next day summit ascent. If the weather is visible you will see the gorge between little and great Ağrı Mountains and watch the Ağrı plain.
After having our meal at high altitude we will return to our new camp 4200 m.
Day 3 Mount Ararat Summit Day:
This day we will wake up very early before the sun rises up. We will have our little breakfast in the moon light with seeing the city lights down in the plane of Mount Ararat.
Start our ascent with in moon light and on our half way to the summit we’ll have a brake and at this time you will see the shadow of the mountain in the plane. Before we get to the summit we will meet with the biggest glacier of Turkey at this point we will use our crampons till to the summit approximately 300 m.
When we get to the summit of 5137 m you will feel a empty space in your heart in same time happens of to being in the summit.
After the celebration of to being the summit we will start trek down to the 4200 m. Or base camp. We will spend our time in the 3200 m. relaxing.
Day 4 Back to The Dogubayazit:
The day of saying goodbye to the Holly Mount Ararat; after having our breakfast we will walk down from 3200 m base camp down to 2100 m. to get the transport to the hotel in the center of the town.